Thursday 3 August 2017

Boletim informativo da academia de negociação online

revisão de investools

O medo eo ceticismo nos paralisam a todos. Ir para a classe de 2 dias e prosperar.

I levou o Investools 2 dia. Eu estava apreensivo sobre o custo, mas eu ignorei os arremessos de vendas para mais classes, apliquei o que eu aprendi, e fiz $ 40.000 meu primeiro mês para fora e não tenho nenhum arrependimento. Eu nunca lamentei o tempo ou o dinheiro gastado neste, e estou fazendo o dinheiro cada semana com risco mínimo, se os mercados sobem, o tanque ou o teeter totter. Eu me pergunto quantos negativo Nancy's neste site pode dizer isso. Eu agora comércio de uma posição de força e conhecimento usando os dados Investools e análise. Se você não tem a capacidade de algumas habilidades analíticas, então você provavelmente está melhor em um fundo mútuo indexado, com média de custo dólar. Não é uma coisa ruim, é apenas que o investimento on-line e as decisões de compra e venda sem emoção não são para todos.

Eu nunca fui um sócio ou um empregado da companhia. Eu sou uma pessoa de inteligência média, com um grau de associados, e um pequeno nestegg. Troquei online por muitos anos com muito menos sucesso do que com o Investools. Eu paguei a "taxa de matrícula" suficiente na escola de batidas duras para me fazer passar por Harvard e Yale, comprei todos os livros de gurus que havia, subscrevi muitos boletins informativos e nenhum deles chegou perto de quão bem e com que facilidade Investools funcionou. Não se preocupe se você pode obter o seu reembolso. Concentre-se em usar o conhecimento colhido de sua classe de 2 dias em Investools e você será recompensado generosamente. Se você tomou a classe e senti que os instrutores eram inadequadas, então eu sinto muito por isso. Eu tinha uma ótima equipe. No final eu disse que não obrigado para as ofertas especiais, mas provavelmente vou tomar o curso de opções quando eles vêm para a minha cidade. Eu acho divertido que outro cartaz disse que tudo que você tem a fazer é comprar livros e ir a sites para Obter tudo o que você precisa. Enquanto que o meu ser assim, não funcionou para mim. As opções de gráficos e as funções de previsão do mercado só valem a pena cada centavo que você paga. A maioria dos americanos está esperando a bigorna de "deve haver uma pegada" para cair sobre a cabeça, em vez de se mover corajosamente para a frente com novos conhecimentos. Como com qualquer conhecimento apresentado a você, você deve avaliar o seu valor, aplicando-o. Eu invento para minha mãe, irmão e meus filhos. Mamãe está impressionada que eu ganhei 15% para ela investir conservadoramente usando Investools. Investir um bom pedaço de suas economias de vida de pais usando uma nova ferramenta de negociação? É uma confiança que é melhor não violar! Sem pressão Ela disse: "Eu não entendo como você ganhou tanto dinheiro, e Edward Jones perdeu tanto."

Afixado perto: helenerslev (96.231.151. ×××), em terça-feira, abril 22, 2008

Não o que deveria ser ..

Eu não era um completo novato quando eu ouvi falar e se inscreveu para INVESTools. Mais cedo eu tinha sido um representante registrado licenciado para vender fundos mútuos. Descobri que os clientes tinham pouca tolerância para o risco e não valeu a pena continuar a renovar minhas licenças para que eu deixá-los expirar. No entanto, quando eu tinha ouvido falar sobre Investools, eu gostei da idéia de usar indicadores técnicos para entrar e sair dos investimentos no melhor momento e ser capaz de negociar ETFs e ações individuais, em vez de apenas fundos mútuos que eu tinha tido sucesso bom com.

O que me incomoda mais sobre a Investools é a ampla gama de preços que as pessoas pagaram pela "educação". I foi cobrada US $ 1999 para o Stocks course - não US $ 999 como a maioria das pessoas que publicado aqui. Após quatro meses eu fui chamado e disse que eu precisava gastar $ 300 mais porque em dois meses a subscrição do Web site estaria expirando. Parecia que cada vez que alguém me ligasse para tentar me vender mais tempo da correia fotorreceptora ou "instrução" convenientemente ignorado o que eu tinha assinado acima para e pagado. O webtime, em vez de ser adicionado quando a assinatura inicial que veio com o curso Stocks era suposto para terminar, evidentemente não era. Em vez disso, o relógio começou a correr depois que eu lhes dei o meu cartão de crédito info. Eu encontrei este para fora quando eu comecei uma chamada de um de seus povos das vendas para assinar acima para seu curso dos associados. Eu disse a ele que eu estava no meio de empacotar e mover o país transversal ea última coisa que eu tive o tempo para era gastar mais tempo e dinheiro com Investools. Eu disse para ele me ligar quando eu chegasse lá. Ele disse "NÃO, NÃO o custo do curso está subindo" e ele estava oferecendo um "Thanksgiving

Especial ".Ele disse, além disso, minha webtime estava quase acabando. Eu corrigi-lo e listou tudo o que eu tinha pago, extensões de tempo que eu tinha sido dado etc e que eu ainda tinha muito mais tempo no site vindo para mim que Eu paguei, ele disse que não tinha nenhum registro disso, uma bandeira vermelha subiu em minha mente e eu disse a ele para verificar os registros e se necessário eu iria encontrar minhas declarações de cartão de crédito!

Ele finalmente concordou que eu já tinha gasto o que eu disse a ele. Ele então me prometeu que se eu me inscrevi para os Associados "Special de Ação de Graças" por US $ 4999 que eu poderia imediatamente começar a chamar os treinadores e pedir-lhes para me andar embora "coberto chamada" comércios para fazer de volta o $ 5k eu estaria gastando Sobre o percurso -

MESMO ANTES DE TOMAR O CURSO. Bem, este acabou por ser uma grande misprepresentation gordura. Liguei para os treinadores e eles disseram que eu precisaria fazer o curso primeiro.

Bem, eu não tinha tempo para tomar o curso (como eu tinha dito a ele) até que cheguei em minha nova casa. Demorou até 2/08 para resolver problemas de computador e problemas de conexão DSL. Comecei a fazer o curso e alguns meses depois recebi um telefonema do mesmo vendedor que queria me vender ainda mais. Mais uma vez ele chamou vários meses antes do curso e assinatura deveria ser até. Ele novamente negou que eu tivesse mais tempo vindo para mim. Eu disse-lhe que a última vez que ele prometeu e underdelivered e treinadores não estavam dispostos a me ajudar a negociar opções para fazer de volta o $ 4999 antes de eu tinha tomado o curso. Além disso, não só eu esperava pelo menos obter o que eu paguei, mas o tempo todo eu tinha estado em minha casa nova, cerca de 20% das ações que pesquisei no site Investools tinha gráficos que não estavam completos. Em vez de castiçais claros havia apenas pontos aleatórios.

Quando eu lhe disse que ele concordou em me dar em minha mente cerca de 1/3 do que eu paguei - uma extensão de três meses do curso. (Mas evidentemente, de acordo com o que alguns cartazes disseram, começaram 9 meses PADRÃO em vez de apenas 6 meses que eu fui vendido para meus $ 4999 para o curso dos associados). O vendedor me disse que ele estava "curvando-se para trás para mim". HA! No que me diz respeito, eu ainda tenho seis meses adicionais chegando a mim eo problema com alguns dos gráficos agora mostrando corretamente em seu site ainda existe!

O que me queima mais (se me deixar fora do que me foi dito que eu estou pagando quando eu me inscrevo não é ruim o suficiente), é que eu nunca fui ciente, até que eu encontrei este site, que o A política da Investools para a maioria dos clientes foi permitir que os alunos aplicassem o que gastaram em cursos para uma atualização. Se isto for assim, além do tempo extra da correia fotorreceptora etc, eu devo ter um reembolso $ 2000 que vem a mim! Eu gastei US $ 7300 e tenho um curso de estoques que incluiu um manual e um seminário de 2 dias para $ 1999; Seis meses de tempo da correia fotorreceptora para $ 300 que era começar após os primeiros seis meses que vieram com o curso das ações e um curso muito descascado dos associados que incluísse um curso em linha muito medíocre; SEM MANUAL; NÃO SEMINÁRIO VIVO; Seis meses de tempo do site; Coaching (que muitas vezes deixa muito a desejar); E coaching virtual. Parece que os outros têm muito mais do que eu fiz para o seu dinheiro para este curso.

Enfim, determinado a aprender a negociar opções (depois de gastar tanto dinheiro) se eu estava indo para aprender com Investools ou não eu comecei a ler livros que ensinam o que você não vai aprender com Investools. Não foi até eu ler livros de profissionais reais que eu me senti confiante para começar a negociar-me.

Além disso, se a verdade seja dita, mesmo os mais renomados comerciantes do mundo admitir que não é incomum para 50 a 70 por cento de seus comércios a ser perder negócios. Leia sobre os comerciantes de tartaruga e descobrir por si mesmo. Perder dinheiro faz parte do programa. Gestão de dinheiro é mais importante do que qualquer formação técnica que Investools irá ensiná-lo. Afinal, nenhum indicador técnico funciona 100% do tempo de acordo com os especialistas. Você precisa determinar onde colocar suas paradas e quais posições de tamanho você pode segurar com base na quantidade de dinheiro que você tem para o comércio. Mesmo os especialistas têm "drawdowns" ou perder magias onde todos os indicadores técnicos do mundo não vai fazer a diferença. O truque é certificar-se de que os 30 a 50 por cento dos comércios rentáveis ​​são rentáveis ​​o suficiente para que você faça o dinheiro real.

Para trás faixa um pouco, eu era incapaz de tomar o seminário de dois dias quando foi oferecido na minha área depois de se inscrever para o curso Stocks em 11/06. Então eu levei vários meses depois em outra cidade com Mike Coval no inverno de 2007.

Mike Coval foi muito informativo. Ele é o autor de um livro chamado A TRADER ON WALL STREET e desde então deixou Investools, provavelmente porque ele pode ganhar mais dinheiro do que eles estavam pagando-lhe para ensinar os seminários sobre a negociação por conta própria e tem seu próprio negócio de consultoria agora. Me surpreende que nenhum dos comentadores tenha mencionado que, se os treinadores da Investools fossem tão grandes e tão bem sucedidos comerciantes, eles não estariam trabalhando na Investools ou vendendo pacotes de "educação" para eles. Em vez disso, eles iriam negociar em tempo integral sozinhos.

Todos em todos, penso que a educação é muito caro. Nenhum dos treinadores ainda tem a sua licença de Valores Mobiliários como eu fiz uma vez. No entanto, eu gosto da idéia do site investools para pesquisar ações e backtesting. É muito ruim para mim, só funciona algumas vezes. Como outros disseram, se você colocar o tempo e fazer um monte de auto-ensino, você vai ganhar dinheiro.

Antes do mercado de ações se tornar tão volátil, quando eu tinha acabado de se inscrever para o curso ações, eu estava fazendo dinheiro comprando e vendendo POT e ETFS. E WFMI. Eu fiz facilmente mais do que o investimento Investools inicial, mas eu queria aprender sobre as opções para ser capaz de ganhar dinheiro em baixo mercados. Todos em todos os, o estoque curso foi um melhor valor para o dinheiro. Se eles estão indo para cobrar US $ 999 para o curso de ações (eu paguei $ 1999), eles devem cobrar cerca de US $ 500 para o curso de opções porque você realmente não obter o suficiente "educação" para começar a negociação no seu próprio sem fazer muita leitura exterior Como eu fiz. Mesmo fazendo a pesquisa, eu achei a capacidade de resposta da plataforma de dinheiro de papel não é tão sensível quanto a plataforma de dinheiro real. Às vezes, faço negócios idênticos dentro de uma fração de segundo um do outro e será de até US $ 40 em papel moeda instantaneamente e para baixo de US $ 20 em dinheiro real. Fazer bem com dinheiro de papel dá-lhe uma falsa sensação de segurança. Em um mês ou mais depois de cerca de 100 + negociações eu estava até 30 por cento em papel moeda e comecei a fazer pequenos negócios opção com dinheiro real em um Think ou Swim Account eu configurar e perder 10% da minha conta. Eu também comecei a perder alguns dos meus ganhos de 30% em papel-moeda e estou até agora apenas por 20% em papel-moeda.

Escusado será dizer que eu não fiquei impressionado com Investools Opções de formação e eu sou grato Eu não fui sugado para gastar mais dinheiro. Concordo que você pode aprender opções avançadas de negociação por conta própria ou através de outros programas ministrados por profissionais reais por menos dinheiro e é assim que eu planejo obter a minha "educação".

Afixado perto: Let_down (74.181.173. ×××), em sábado, agosto 30, 2008

Um exercício em psicologia de vendas, mas deve funcionar se você colocar no trabalho

Eu assisti a um dos seminários Investools um tempo atrás. Vou começar dizendo que eu trabalho em uma organização de vendas, então eu entendo muito sobre psicologia de vendas. O seminário Investools é um grande exercício de persuasão psicológica. Antes de eu entrar em minha análise, vou afirmar que eu não acredito Investools é uma farsa. Havia um monte de partes boas e partes ruins para o seminário, mas no geral, acredito que o que eles ensinam obras.

Para quem está pensando em ir a um de seus seminários, eu vou começar com alguns conceitos básicos na psicologia da venda para que você saiba exatamente como Investools vai vender e como você pode ajustá-lo se você Então escolha Desta forma, você pode ouvir a substância de sua apresentação ao invés de "canção e dança" (como o chamamos no mundo de vendas) para que você possa tomar uma decisão educada sobre se isso é certo para você ou não.

Uma das primeiras coisas que você vai notar é que Investools estará executando um slideshow na tela quando você chega de citações de vários negócios, financeiros e especialistas motivacionais. Esta é a sua primeira tentativa de infiltrar sua mente e levá-lo a inclinar-se para a sua maneira de pensar. As citações lidar com tornar-se financeiramente independente, mudando sua maneira de pensar, tornando-se rico, e uma série de outros temas que você esperaria de um seminário deste tipo.

A segunda coisa que você vai notar é que Investools tenta levá-lo ativamente envolvido em sua apresentação de vendas. Esta é uma necessidade absoluta para qualquer apresentação de vendas. Darren Kimoto foi o nosso instrutor, e desde o início, ele estava a tentar obter-nos animado e entusiasmado com a apresentação. Você notará no início que eles terão que se levantar, levantar as mãos para cima, colher-cinco seu vizinho, e uma série de outras coisas. Darren começou com o habitual "Quem está animado para estar aqui e quem quer ganhar dinheiro?" - tipo de discurso. Se você não levantou ambas as mãos alto no ar e gritar, você não estava animado o suficiente. Ele zombou daqueles que só levantaram as mãos a meio caminho. Ao longo de todo o seminário de dois dias, eles constantemente terão você levantando a mão, balançando a cabeça, alto fiving seu vizinho, escrevendo as coisas, etc Isto é para você participar ativamente na apresentação. Se você está apenas sentado com os braços cruzados, você não está aberto para aprender ou ouvir, e certamente não estão abertos a comprar seus seminários adicionais, por isso seu objetivo era manter as pessoas envolvidas, ouvir e participar o tempo todo.

Gostaria de dizer cerca de metade do seminário de dois dias foi a venda de produtos adicionais. Aconteceu durante toda a apresentação, bem como sobre os intervalos. Uma sessão inteira da tarde no primeiro dia foi uma apresentação de um cara do thinkorswim, um corretor online que a Investools possui. Agora, quem você acha que eles dizem que você deve ser seu corretor on-line? Procure-os para subsconsciously hawk thinkorswim o descanso do tempo trazendo o acima constantemente durante o seminário. Eles também vão dizer-lhe sobre o quão grande é, é claro; Eles dizem o que procurar em um corretor e, em seguida, convenientemente mencionar como thinkorswim é o melhor em todas as cinco categorias que eles listam.

Você também vai notar que durante todo o seminário, eles vão jogar pequenos jogos de mente com você que são projetados para fazer você pensar em seu caminho e, eventualmente, inscrever-se para os seus cursos. Uma coisa que será reforçada ao longo do seminário é a confiança - eles vão dizer-lhe que você precisa de confiança para fazer bem no mercado e confiança para melhorar a si mesmo e obter educado o suficiente para ter sucesso no mercado. Isto é obviamente projetado para obter aqueles que têm dúvidas sobre a sua capacidade de comércio de ações e opções, ou dúvidas sobre a empresa, a acreditar que este sistema realmente funciona. Você vai ouvir muito. Esteja preparado para isso.

Eles também falarão muito sobre medo. O que eles mencionam é principalmente o medo de perder no mercado, medo de risco, etc Esse tema de medo também é trazido para ajudar a amenizar o medo dos participantes do seminário, que pode estar pensando que este é um embuste ou que eles podem " T fazê-lo ou leva muito tempo ou dinheiro. Eles falam sobre como você precisa para superar o seu medo e seguir um sistema, e ele vai trabalhar para você. Um grande princípio do seminário é que "o medo é incapacitante" e você precisa eliminar o medo. Isso, é claro, é projetado para ajudá-lo a superar o seu medo de seu sistema não está funcionando para que você compre seu sistema.

Outra ferramenta que usarão é a velha teoria 95/5. Esta teoria afirma que 95% das pessoas nunca será bem sucedido, enquanto apenas 5%. Os 5% ers controlam a maioria da riqueza em nosso país, enquanto os 95% ers têm que trabalhar para outra pessoa e nunca se tornará financeiramente independente. Eles dirão que aqueles na categoria de 95% são "não financeiramente independentes", "avessos ao risco" e "temerosos", enquanto os 5% são "financeiramente independentes", eles "gerenciam o risco" e "o medo não é Uma opção "para eles. Adivinhe o que os 5% ers fazem? Eles compram cursos avançados da Investools, é claro!

Outro tema recorrente é a criação de uma nova identidade financeira. Eles absolutamente odeiam as pessoas que entram na classe com noções preconcebidas sobre o investimento, porque é mais difícil de ensinar essas pessoas seu sistema. Eles vão fazer um monte de trabalho para você parar de acreditar em coisas que você sempre acreditou sobre o mercado, através de dissipar mitos (em sua opinião) sobre o mercado, e ter você escrever a frase "Eu sou um investidor ativo . " Você vai escrever essa frase em um pedaço de papel e transformá-lo para o pessoal, que vai postar todas essas peças na parede na parte de trás do quarto. Isso é projetado para você parar de ser um investidor passivo, que a maioria das pessoas são. Um investidor passivo é simplesmente alguém que permite que alguém investir seu dinheiro, ou simplesmente investe em fundos mútuos. A teoria é que, uma vez que as pessoas assinarem e datarem esse compromisso, pararão de investir da maneira que têm, e se comprometerão a ser um investidor ativo através dos programas da Investools.

Darren também usará duas técnicas projetadas para envergonhá-lo em comprar um seminário avançado: controle e parcimônia. Ele falará extensivamente sobre não estar no controle; De sua vida, seu trabalho, seus investimentos, tudo. Como você começa no controle? Ao inscrever-se para um curso Investools. Ele também lhe contará uma história sobre seu pai e avô. Ele vai mencionar como seu avô era um servo contratado no Havaí e, portanto, não tinha muito dinheiro, levando-o a ser extremamente frugal toda a sua vida. Isso, é claro, passou para o pai, que foi ensinado a trabalhar duro e salvar toda a sua vida. Darren irá dizer-lhe que esta é a maneira errada de fazer as coisas. Você nunca deve fazer tudo o mais barato possível. Isso ocorre porque os cursos Investools não são baratos, então a ação implícita aqui é que você precisa investir nesses cursos caros para fazer as coisas da maneira certa, porque a maneira barata não é o caminho certo. Ele também fala muito sobre livros. Ele vai te dizer que ele leu toneladas de livros e ainda não conseguia descobrir o caminho certo para investir. Por quê? Porque os livros são a maneira barata de fazê-lo, e eles não são dinâmicos. O que é dinâmico? Um curso Investools com treinadores e salas de negociação.

Darren também vai usar o que é chamado de "ascendente fechar" durante todo o seminário. O que isso é projetado para fazer é levá-lo a dar-lhe pouco "sim" ao longo dos dois dias para que você vai dar-lhe o grande "sim" no final, ou seja, comprar as classes avançadas. Você vai notar que ele sempre estará fazendo perguntas que você tem que responder "sim" ou assentir com a cabeça.

A técnica mais prevalente que você vai ver ao longo do seminário é a técnica de up-selling. Este seminário de dois dias inteiros é projetado em torno do método de investimento de opções - puts, chamadas, coberto chamado, teorias de alta probabilidade, etc Eles não se importam uma lick sobre a compra de ações de ações, e não quer que você quer. Eles vão dizer-lhe que a maneira de fazer o dinheiro é grande em opções. Isso começa muito sutil, mas vai ficar mais intensa e agressiva durante todo o seminário. Eles vão dizer-lhe que para cada ganho de 1% você começa através de ações de compra de ações, você recebe 10%, investindo em opções. Darren vai fazer perguntas como "Gostaria de ver como eu investir?" Ou "Você gostaria de ver que estratégia eu uso?" Ou "Você gostaria de ver o que eu fiz com meu pai?" Várias vezes ao longo do seminário. Além de levá-lo a dizer "sim" (lembre-se, o fechamento ascendente), também é projetado para implantar em sua mente que a única maneira de fazer qualquer dinheiro real está em opções. Cada um dos funcionários há comércios opções, não ações regulares de ações, e você vai ver que o seminário é fortemente ponderada para isso.

Cada ruptura é essencialmente quando a venda dura vem. Darren vai terminar a sessão dizendo: "Vamos ter uma sessão de controle de qualidade agora onde você pode ir falar com os membros da equipe." Blá blá blá. Ele também irá dizer coisas ao longo das linhas de "Certifique-se de obter o seu formulário de educação continuada no intervalo" ou "Certifique-se de ver um membro da equipe e se inscrever para um dos nossos programas." Este é o fim suposto; Ele essencialmente lhe dirá o que fazer. Todos os membros da equipe estão disponíveis para responder a perguntas, e todas as suas respostas são fortemente ponderadas para a compra do treinamento de opções adicionais. No final do dia, a venda ficou especialmente agressiva. Eu milled ao redor e escutei as perguntas ea venda subseqüente dos membros da equipe. Uma das técnicas de venda de Darren era dizer: "É como se eu tivesse o ouro enterrado no meu quintal e não houvesse jeito algum de poder cavar tudo, então eu gostaria de compartilhá-lo com meus vizinhos. Vou deixar você fazer isso de graça, mas se você comprar uma pá, você pode vir e desenterrar um pouco de ouro. Não me diga que você não pode pagar uma pá. " A "pá" nesta história é a educação adicional que eles estão vendendo, é claro. Os membros da equipe atrás da mesa começariam então a dizer coisas como "Quem vai subir e comprar uma pá?" Nos intervalos, e eles iriam para o duro vender se as pessoas tivessem perguntas, mas estavam hesitando em comprar os cursos. Eles diriam coisas como "Você realmente precisa fazer isso agora" ou "Se você pode pagar o programa de doutorado, inscreva-se para ele, não há necessidade de começar no nível básico." Eles até mesmo incentivado algumas pessoas a dinheiro em seus IRAs, apesar da pena que você iria incorrer se você não é 59,5 ou mais velhos. Procrastinação foi um tema do seminário e, claro, você não deve procrastinar, mas deve comprar o programa.

Então, o que esses programas custam? O básico é intitulado "Associado" e é $ 4999. O próximo nível é o "Mestre" e é de R $ 11.999, eo programa mais alto é o PhD, que custa R $ 23.999. Obviamente, quanto maior o nível, mais você obtém, incluindo mais acesso ao site, educação opções mais avançadas, mais coaching, acesso a salas de negociação, seminários adicionais, etc O que eles não vão dizer é que há uma quarta opção: No final, todos aqueles que não se inscreveram para um dos programas avançados são escoltados para fora da sala e são oferecidos um programa reduzido por US $ 999, que inclui mais três meses de acesso ao site, salas de negociação e coaching virtual para seis meses. Isto é, se você só quer comprar e vender ações de ações; Isso não inclui nada sobre opções. Se você comprar qualquer um dos quatro programas, o próximo curso será descontado pelo preço do programa que você já comprou. Então, se você quer começar com o básico, e passar para Associar, eles terão $ 999 fora do preço de US $ 4999. Se você passar de Associado para Mestres, eles terão $ 4999 fora do $ 11,999, e assim por diante.

Então, fora da psicologia, o que eu penso do programa? Eu acredito que funciona. Surpreendente, certo? Eu sei uma quantidade decente sobre o investimento, e eu acredito que o que eles ensinam obras, com algumas advertências:

Opções avançadas, ou heck, mesmo ações básicas de negociação não é para os fracos de coração. Você tem que desenvolver um sistema e cumpri-lo. Você absolutamente não pode deixar a emoção ficar no caminho, e você não pode deixar grandes ganhos ou grandes perdas afetam você. Eles ensinam-lhe como evitar grandes perdas, para ouvi-los e usar a estratégia.

Eu também acredito que você precisa colocar no trabalho para fazer suas estratégias de trabalho para você. Isso não é algo que você pode gastar uma meia hora por semana e sucesso. Você precisará colocar no tempo de estudo. Você terá que ler todo o manual, desenvolver um plano, aprender a usar o site, aprender a usar uma conta de corretagem on-line, e aprender a analisar ações. Este é um processo demorado. Esteja preparado para colocar no trabalho se você está indo para ter sucesso nisso. Você não pode meia-a ** investir; Apenas não trabalha essa maneira. Aprenda os sistemas e usá-los da maneira correta e você pode ganhar muito dinheiro, especialmente se você ficar bom em opções.

Finalmente, isso pode soar meio, mas eu realmente acho que as pessoas mudas não serão capazes de ter sucesso neste. Eu acho que você tem que ser capaz de compreender estratégias complexas para fazer este trabalho, especialmente no domínio das opções avançadas. Eu sou um cara muito inteligente, mas minha cabeça estava girando durante a maioria das apresentações de alta probabilidade teoria. Eu sei que é a sua intenção, uma vez que eles querem que você compre seus cursos adicionais, mas isso não é coisa fácil, não importa o que eles dizem.

Vale a pena o dinheiro? Difícil de dizer. Em outra pesquisa que eu fiz em Investools, eu li que outras empresas comerciais como a Online Trading Academy oferecem cursos semelhantes ou melhores por menos dinheiro. Você também pode obter a maioria dos gráficos em seu site (que custa R $ 50 / mês) livre em outro lugar on-line, embora seja bom ter tudo em um só lugar e ser capaz de sincronizá-lo com sua conta de corretagem on-line se você usar thinkorswim. Eu não me inscrever para o curso de doutorado, então eu não será capaz de avaliar como é eficaz. Demora dois anos para realmente pegar o jeito de investir em opções de qualquer maneira, para aqueles que descontar a empresa depois de um par de semanas realmente não têm pé para ficar em, na minha opinião. Se eu tivesse o dinheiro, eu provavelmente faria isso, porque eu acho que o nível de apoio é muito alto eo que eles ensinam parece funcionar. Se alguém tem dado os programas avançados uma tentativa, e realmente trabalhou neles por um longo tempo, eu adoraria ouvir sua história.

Além disso, se alguém tiver perguntas adicionais sobre o seminário, eu ficaria feliz em respondê-las. Eu tenho certeza que eu deixei algo fora neste post enciclopédia-comprimento. )

Publicado por: GreatLakes (24.196.146. ×××), no domingo, 13 de julho de 2008

Você tem tudo que você precisa.

Ouça as pessoas - você tem tudo o que precisa para ganhar dinheiro. É verdade!

Você tem a ferramenta mais poderosa U precisa de informações!

Antes de gastar o seu dinheiro arduamente ganho (não importa o quanto você faz) você precisa fazer uma coisa-investigação! Antes de gastar dinheiro em qualquer dinheiro chamado programa fazer sua pesquisa! Sou gerente de um bar; Então você sabe quais são minhas horas. Quando chego em casa, ouço todos os info-comerciais. E quando os ouço, faço uma busca neles. (Experimente se você está acima e não pode dormir.) Acredite em mim, você vai ter um monte de resultados. As pessoas hyping esses info-mercials ganhar dinheiro em vender informações. A maioria dessas informações podem ser encontradas gratuitamente ou por muito pouco dinheiro (MOST pelo preço de uma viagem à sua biblioteca local ou livraria.) Depois de comprar um "nenhum dinheiro para baixo curso imobiliário, um" negócio em uma caixa " Plano e um curso de "opções de negociação", eu aprendi que, na superfície, esses planos soam bem. Mas com a maioria dos "planos", a informação que está disponível que você paga é GRÁTIS! Ele só leva um pouco Tempo para encontrá-lo Um pouco de senso comum, pesquisa e tempo pode render os mesmos resultados É o seu fim de semana gasto pesquisando vale milhares de $$.

Pergunte a si mesmo: Você conhece um milionário? Você conhece alguns que é onde você quer ser financeiramente? Eu aposto que você faz. (Que sobre seu doutor, seu advogado, seus amigos, seu BOSS eu faço. Um que eu sei é um amigo de meus que trabalhou seu - s de construir seu negócio. Outro é alguém que aprendeu investir sobre um longo período de Tempo para fazer seu dinheiro crescer. Outro é aquele que obteve a sua educação, fez uma boa vida, e salvou e investiu de forma conservadora. Estes povos estão orgulhosos de suas realizações, não é tímido em dar conselhos. E eles vão voluntariamente dar-lhe conhecimento apenas para perguntar .

Eu acho que o que eu estou dizendo é que se você realmente pensar nisso, ele não leva $ 10.000 e espero ter sucesso. Basta um monte de perguntas e pesquisas.

Para aqueles que pensam que eu sou apenas brega, considere isto: Eu faço aproximadamente $ 35.000 por o ano. Eu tenho 46 anos. Por apenas ouvir e tomar bons conselhos, eu valho mais de US $ 1.500.000. Eu tenho $$$ para a aposentadoria, eu não vivo cheque de pagamento, e eu só tenho um grau de associados. A pessoa mais rica que conheço tem uma educação secundária. E estou feliz financeiramente. Alguns de vocês que lêem isso são melhores, alguns piores.

Basta lembrar, quando você vê esses info-mercials, o velho ditado - "Ninguém nunca foi quebrado sub-estimar o público americano." Porque isso é o que eles estão bancando. Não deixe que eles subestimar você!

Publicado por: gstarseven (24.239.212. ×××), no domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2008

Seminário de investools em FL

Olá, juntei-me ontem ao seminário aqui em Ft Lauderdale. Eu não estou dizendo que eles estão mentindo ou qualquer coisa, ele precisa ser experimentado antes de boca ruim. Mas tenha em mente o dinheiro que cobram é tranquilo caro mesmo apenas para o início! $ 999 para um treinamento de 2 dias.

Mas aqui está a minha pergunta;

A) por que não mencionaram que haverá mais treinamentos além do programa básico? Se houver um mestre e ph d programa, então isso poderia ter sido mencionado! De 100 pessoas orso, vi alguns assinando logo após o seminário!

B) Todos estes gráficos etc estão disponíveis através de muitos sites. Se você abrir uma conta w / qualquer empresa de corretagem (td ameritade, scottrade etc) você tem acesso a gráficos. (Exigência mínima é de US $ 2000 orso, e não é uma taxa que você paga para aprender) Você precisa estudar alguns livros embora para ter uma ideia geral. Esses livros correr em torno de US $ 20

C) nosso instrutor foi um 6'5 "altas guy chamado" steve ", e durante o Power Point apresentação foi uma imagem ele esqui nas montanhas, ele mencionados ele foi esqui 2 semanas atrás. I maravilha se ele sempre utiliza o mesmo Exemplo dizendo "oh que foi há 2 semanas em Utah. Oh por sinal, ele mencionou também ele comprou um SUV na semana passada por US $ 60.000

Eu me pergunto se eles usam o mesmo script toda vez

Boa sorte a todos

Afixado perto: cavalerox (169.200.204. ×××), em sexta-feira, fevereiro 22, 2008

Eu ouvi esse infomercial muitas, muitas vezes. E tem perguntas.

Se este "programa" é tão bom por que nenhuma das corretoras está usando?

Eles devem ser o primeiro a pular em um vagão.

Se este programa é garantir um sucesso, por que não deduzir as despesas de lucros obtidos?

O programa baseado na previsão de mercado, e eu não acho que é possível.

Como eu entendo o resultado da utilização do sistema é de curto prazo investimentos, portanto, eles são tributados à taxa de cerca de 50%. Mas ninguém mencionou isso.

Então, minha opinião é que este não é um pato, mesmo que ele está tentando soar como um.

Afixado perto: MaryAnn (70.246.134. ×××), em quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2007

I Acessou o seminário gratuito e realmente se. Catalãs iam em céptico, mas é sentida como as informações fornecidas foi boa. O website é muito boa. Muito impressionado! No entanto, estou curioso para saber por que uma pessoa tem que gastar um) US $ 50 por mês (taxa de assinatura do site) E b) US $ 1000 para a classe de 2 dias antes de você pode usar o site. Parece-me que eles talvez façam uma ou outra. Mas ambos? Nossa classe de 2 dias é em uma semana, então eu estou gastando muito tempo olhando para o software (que novamente vou dizer parece muito bom, excelente fonte de informação) e fazer algumas pesquisas / leitura opiniões.

I am curious: How's the average Joe supposed to pay $20,000+ for all the training and still have enough money to invest? If you're like me, that's not feasible. Anyway, just something to ponder.

Posted By: LaMont (63.238.254.×××), on Friday, August 31, 2007

As usual, Investools employees are doing their best hyping their fraudulent product

Watch out for them.

If ANY of these investing systems worked, they would not be selling them in the first place. Think about it. It says the same thing in Market Wizards, a book of interviews about the world's greatest traders.

I bought this stuff, and got burned not only by the product cost, but the bad trades resulting from the system.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Posted By: Chris (68.146.188.×××), on Friday, August 24, 2007

There's a better place

888.options offers the entire 23K investors program for free. They even have free seminars, tutorials and help desk. Investors got my 900 but for that they got me thinking, "these sales guys" didn't invent this nor were they the first. Went to Barnes and Noble that night for 14 bucks saved a huge chunk of dough. If I spent 23K it'd be gone and I'd bet there's more classes to come. My paper trades are doing fantastic. Will now use what OIC taught me (for free) and start for real. Good luck to all.

Posted By: Dusty Bajour, Minneapolis (204.73.103.×××), on Sunday, August 12, 2007

Avoid at all COST

I knew the investools group when they got started. They were legit. They sold out, went public. Now, Investools' management's only concern is what you can afford to put on your credit card for so called "education" that is information you can find in a FEW cheap invesment books off the shelf. Their trainers? hah, a good term for them, because their paper trading does not make them real traders. Will they show you their REAL MONEY trades. not a chance.

You can get all the data you need FOR FREE from places like stockcharts, barchart and other GOOD sites.

DOZENS of Friends have paid 20K plus for their "doctorate" program and have NEVER made a fraction of that back. They want to sue, but only the lawyers would come out ahead.

Slick is not the same as substance, don't be taken in.

Posted By: craig in utah (208.186.134.×××), on Thursday, August 02, 2007

investools sucks

you have gotta be a fool to go to this money making scam, i would rather work and max out 401k and other investments. i don't understand how they allow the advertising to be posted with all the complaints

Posted By: Anonymous (68.246.124.×××), on Monday, July 30, 2007

Alternative Free Sites

I have one week before I attend one of these 2 day seminars. Based on all the reviews (thank you!), I am strongly considering holding onto my $995. I'll probably try the software for a week before the seminar to decide one way or the other. I was "sold" on Phil's presentation primarily because his pitch matched many books I've read and professors presentations on using basic fundamental analysis and technical analysis in a momentum play.

My question is this. Rather than spend the $1k, what sites exist that provide similar information with filters on key data needed (EPS, institutional investors, insider trading, MACD, etc?). I realize you can't make money as easy as the presentation, but if you agree with the method of Investools, is it the best site for what you need? After all, it is only $167/mo to use the tool for 6 months despite the sales pressure, market risk, no sure thing money, etc.

If it is not worth the money, who has suggestions as noted below on the other sites? What are they? Does Investors Business Daily suffice in any way?

Posted By: Still Considering (66.235.201.×××), on Friday, July 27, 2007

investool courswes and web site

I have taken the basic stock and option courses. Their web site is one of the best on the internet. I have used silicon investor, msn money, bar charts, stockcharts and I would rank investool web site the highest. Their course material is probably not the best. What they should tell you, is that need more education on the art of investing in stocks and options. You can not be successful investor without obtaining education. I have purchased all the course material through the internet at substantial savings. I didn't paid 40k for all their course material.

Posted By: richard (70.22.155.×××), on Friday, July 27, 2007

retard site


Posted By: A SUCCESSFUL INVESTOOL STUDENT (24.180.83.×××), on Wednesday, July 25, 2007

More and more classes?

The dissapointment is to read that after buying the software the seminar, once again on the 2-day class, there is more products one needs to buy. I was under the impression that with the seminar, buying the software and the 2-day class you were ready to go.

Posted By: Cachito, New Hope, MN. (165.200.127.×××), on Monday, July 16, 2007

Don't even waste your time on the Seminar

Investools comes here often, and I resent the fact that the seminar is like some kind of Head Game.

A friend of mine just lost 60K with a Greedy Attitude, "if it seems too good to be true. ".

When my Uncle left me some money in Jan, I invested it with a Broker of a well known firm untill I could do it on my own. After looking into his suggestions on the internet, I tell him what I think of companies and I make the final decision on buying or not. He's taught me so much and watches my stocks for me and suggests when to sell the ones I have.

I put 50% in a long term 401K and I pick the stocks after looking them up and move them around as I see needed and I've made 20% in the past seven months on those.

My Broker has made me almost 40% on the other half in the past Seven months and I've learned so much. I was so Green that I never knew there was anything beside Common Stocks, but there are.

Yea, I've paid him almost $500 so far this year, but he's helped me make almost 15K, and I love the fact that I can call him anytime and ask questions.

After working with my Broker, I'm almost sure I'll stay with him for several years, but it's nice to know that I can pick up all my pennies anytime and go it alone anytime I want.

Posted By: Jeff in Colorado Springs (207.200.116.×××), on Monday, July 16, 2007

Wasted $40k

I wasted $40k for this piece of crap. I am trying to get my money back, and have secured an attorney.

I went to a place called OTA (Online Trading Academy) in NJ. They were great. I learned more there than investfools could ever provide. And I only spent 5K. The beauty of it was, that I got to actually trade in their trading room during class!

Invest-fools is really for fools. I unfortunately was one of them.

Posted By: Jorge (24.190.33.×××), on Sunday, July 15, 2007

I went to the initial free seminar and also the 2 day whcih at the time they had reduced in price to $999. I believe what Ihave so far I got what I paid for and am now doing paper trading on the website. I don't know how in the world you can trade in the market without some of the information available on this website. I have been told there are other websites that offer similiar information to what this website does for free or maybe at less cost if you know what the link is please provide it wo we can all take advantage of it. I havew not made myh moeny Ihave invested back yet but expect to start investing soon and do think I will have success with the information I have to use from my education. Time will tell if I have a moeny making experience.

Posted By: Bill-Indiana (74.133.120.×××), on Saturday, July 07, 2007

instructors are great sales people.

I went to 1 day basic course of Investools and I was disappointed. It seemed that the whole thing was about instructors trying to sell you their educational workshops (from 5K to $24,000) and to get you to use their software. Instead I was hoping to get education on how to become a good investor. (

I am curios if anybody actually made/lost money using that tool?

I would love to hear your experiences. Please reply to misholiver at gmail

Let me know if I can help anyone, sharing more details about my experience.

Posted By: Oliver (161.225.1.×××), on Tuesday, June 26, 2007

investools included

Bob with your signing up for course you get all the chart data that there software provides and more. I took the course in march and have become a more educated investor because of it, I plan to take some of there other courses to continue my education. I know if you at least learn the material taught in the basics course you can outperform the market so let all of the negative things you read on this site go in one ear and out the other as I personally know the course delivers your moneys worth. Remember if you hang around and listen to losers you to can be one. Best of luck to you.

Posted By: Gordie in michigan (68.188.190.×××), on Saturday, June 23, 2007

If you only take the 2-day class, do you still have access to all the tools shown in the free seminar?

The free intro class was great. I notice in some of these reviews that the prices seem to vary, but I signed up for $999 for the website and the 2-day class. My question is, do we have access to all the tools shown in the free seminar such as Insider Trading, the mass movement trending of funds, the arrows, etc? Or will we be required to cough up more dough to get those?

Posted By: Bob from WA (67.160.178.×××), on Friday, June 15, 2007

MIxed feelings

I am currently enrolled and doing okay so far, however I do think that the sales people, and I do mean sales people somewhat misrepresented what you recieve. First off the costs are high, $1,5oo for two day seminar, then $5,000 for the associate program. Problem is, anything other than the basic stuff is more money. They really suck you in and then nickel and dime you the rest of the way. A few years back I joined a coaching/training in my real estate career. For $5,000 you got unlimited coaching, monthly mailer materials, free attendence to all two day seminars throughout the year, monthly cd's with training talks from the likes of Zig Ziglar, and much morefor entire year all inclusive. They didn't suck you in and then charge for ala cart. I am learning, and enjoying, however I don't know if it's worth the money.

They should definately look again at what they are charging and evaluating "bang for the buck".

Posted By: Anonymous (76.5.230.×××), on Thursday, June 14, 2007

Want success? Do not ask what investools will bring to you. ask what you will bring to Investools!

If you expect Investools to pick winning stocks for you every day simply by giving you a list of "sure thing winners" you are expecting the impossible.

Will Investools greatly improve your odds of succeeding? O que você acha? One can lead a customer to a cabinet filled with the best and latest proven tools, but learning to use them will take a little time and lots of effort. Unless you give time and effort to learning how to use these tools they will be useless. But don't condemn the tool maker or the salesman who lets you know these tools exist.

Lots of peole go to college but go on to take menial jobs. Por quê? Because college was party time and not learning time. Does that mean that the college was no good? Or does it mean that you learned nothing worthwhile in college.

If you want to become a mechanic you can buy all the tools in the world. That will not make you a mechanic. It will make you an idiot!

There is nothing worthwhile in this world that does not have a price tag, either in dollars, or in effort. Sometimes it takes both. But most of all it takes effort.

I'm rather new to investools and am still in the intensive study phase. If you want to shoot a gun, you better learn how to use it. If you do not, it may kill you.

Posted By: Gene Dziekan, Boca Raton, Fl. (64.12.117.×××), on Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Investools Basic Class

I took the class a few months ago and they recommended I do the PHD course. I decided against it and am currently sticking to some of the stuff from the basic class.

The technical analysis of each stock looks like it works very well when I back tested it to my current stocks and mutual funds.

The covered calls information amazed me. I am currently using the covered call searches and strategies and they have been working great for me. I am getting 2-3% monthly return on stocks that I currently own. I have since read a few books and all of them recommend this strategy, a stratagey I would have never known about without the class.

As for some of the other option stategies they discussed, I will continue to read other books and learn for myself.

I think it is a worth while course.

Posted By: Rick G (172.166.148.×××), on Monday, June 04, 2007

Seems very much like Scientology to me

I have to agree with the "put a gun to your head and pull the trigger" comment above or below. anyway, If making money was that easy everybody would be doing it. There is no such thing as a get rich scheme. HOW ABOUT THIS FOR SOME GOOD ADVICE. GET RICH SLOWLY! THAT MEANS PROPERTY AND MAX-ING OUT YOUR 401K AND IRA. JESUS CHRIST HOW STUPID CAN PEOPLE BE!

Posted By: Nathan (70.116.136.×××), on Saturday, June 02, 2007

For all you Investools people who lost money

This is an update to my review on Apr. 20th. As of May 30, 2007 I'm up 27%. I didn't even go to any of the classes. I hate to see people loose money on something they paid a substantial amount for. I've been to 3 seminars before I bought this tool. I would not regret buying it.

Posted By: Chris (192.147.58.×××), on Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Posted By: Mike from Toronto! (76.64.14.×××), on Wednesday, May 23, 2007

investools's is not for novice trader

I have been to one of their seminars and the informaiton and material

they provide is very minute. They should give the software on a trial

Posted By: Anonymous (63.138.253.×××), on Tuesday, May 22, 2007

investools's is not for novice trader

I have been to one of their seminars and the informaiton and material

they provide is very minute. They should give the software on a trial

basis and if you feel comfortable then the option of buying is very

good idea, else dump the whole idea. I will not recommend this software

to a novice computer person

Posted By: Anonymous (63.138.253.×××), on Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Seeking Advice

I went to the free Investools 3-hour presentation and am seriously considering attending the 2-day class next week. Inferring from the blogs here (which are incredibly helpful by the way!), I am under the impression that after the 2-day class, there’s “continuing education” (ie Associate’s/Master’s/PhD), which is understandable as noone can possibly master something in just 2 days. However, I am concerned because while I have the $2K to attend the 2-day class, I’m afraid I cannot shell out the $5K to move onto the Associate’s Program at this time. So my question is, will I learn from those 2 days at least the BASICS to begin trading, have access to the tools, and hopefully profit to later on join the more advanced classes? Will I be able to do anything by just attending the 2-day class? OR Would it be more prudent to defer joining Investools until I have enough money to join the advanced classes?

I wanted to clarify, is that 2-day class the Basic Stocks class, or that’s additional class I would have to pay for?

I’m a beginner at investing - for anyone else who was also a beginner when they first used Investools, how long did it take for you to “get it”? How much time each day did it take? How long before you switched from paper trading to actual trading?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Posted By: Maan (24.94.92.×××), on Monday, May 14, 2007

Investools - The Powerful TOOL!

It is unfortunate that the American society is so full of commercialism, negativity, and laziness. For years I traded in the stock market taking all the supposed gurus "stock picks" just like many and did OK unfortunately for the Fidelitys, Navelliers, and Schwabs of the world. I am greatful that I had a boss that required me to read financial books as part of my new job. I hated to read and when I read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" I grasped on one small point. "Enhance your financial vocabulary by going to free financial seminars". And here is where I was introduced to Investools. My first impression was like so many others. a scam; too good to be true. But I continued on with Kiyosaki's message. Take free financial education. Investools gave an option. An option to see their TOOL for free. Yeah you needed to sign a contract at the initial workshop, but you had the opportunity to get your money back if you were not satisfied after the first day. So I don't understand all the one star responses below. You committed after the first day. What happened from the second day forward?

I have been in the PHD program for 2 months. and I have had highs and lows already. But I understand one thing that I believe the other negative writers didn't. Investools is an educational process. You will have failures along with successes with trading. It is about what you do with the failures that turns a one star response into a five star response.

Investools is a TOOL that truly looks out for the personal investor. It is about education, knowledge. It is about trial and error through backtesting trading strategies. It is about understanding the market trend. It is about support and resistance. Investools has great teachers, if the majority of people would just commit to an education plan and an investing plan maybe we would see 100 5 star responses. It is about Discipline. It is about committing to a Trading Journal and learning from it every day. And it is about the phrase Investools says over and over and over. if you treat it like a hobby then you will get return like a hobby. If you treat it like a business then you will get return like a business. The sad thing is that many Americans don't want to work; don't plan. I think it is the reason that many of the businesses in this country fail.

So for all of you that are trying to evaluate if Investools is a good product?.Well I think it is the best investing educational product out there. But only get into the program if you are committed to planning, listening, being educated, following rules, and especially to Discipline! And combining Investools with a Think or Swim online brokerage account. how can anyone beat this? To the people that wrote the one star responses. I hope that you will reread your responses and reflect on what YOU did wrong with the program. Stop blaming others for your failures! I pray for you all!

Posted By: Brett in Arizona (71.38.110.×××), on Saturday, May 12, 2007

Investools experience - keep your hands on your money..

I had heard about the Investools package a couple of times in the past, and had attended 2 different sessions of their overview seminar, which I believe was a 2-hour session. I attended one at the Hyatt Regency in Knoxville probably 8-9 years ago, and another in Chattanooga about 4 years ago. It always looked great, but I never had the $5-6K (supposedly 50% off the $10K package) that was offered at the end.

However, I did check it out online somewhat, and found a lot of negative comments, sprinkled with a few positive ones.

Then, a couple of weeks ago I attended a SUCCESS Magazine "Get Motivated" Seminar in Knoxville, TN, where a lot of name-brand folks talked on motivation, success tactics, etc. I had already picked up Phil Town's book "Rule #1 Investing" a couple of months before, and had read it with interest, and was somewhat delightfully surprised that he was on the agenda.

I agree with Phil's investing ideas, but was dismayed to see part of his talk turn into a commercial for the Investools toolbox. Even though I was disappointed, I felt like the name-brand folks on the same stage would not have been associated with Investools if it was a scam. Also, it was being offered for $1495, something I could afford. Made me wonder if there ever was a standard price, or if it was whatever the traffic would bear at the time. So, I signed up for the two-day class to be taught in Knoxville on 5/9-10/2007, knowing that would give me a few days to check it out beforehand. Additionally, they offered a full-access login to the software on a trial basis. So, I could fiddle with the software and have time to research comments before the 2-day session, knowing I had to make a decision before the end of the first day.

They reiterated time and time again, that even though they were requiring a credit card to be on file during the trial, that they wouldn't process the card until the end of the first day, when the decision had to be made.

I did my research online, and found hundreds of negative messages about Investools tactics, bait and switch requiring much more costly training, etc. etc. But I did find a few (very few!) positive comments. And, when looking at timestamps, I discovered a lot of the negatives were in late 2006, early 2007 timeframe. Unfortunately, this signaled that they might still be up to their old tricks.

I also discovered that there have been over 200,000 people take this class and use these tools. My usage during the trial only showed up about 20-30 stocks (out of 14,000 that you can scan) that met the criteria for Rule #1 investing with the parameters they said were "safe". I wondered if all 200,000 people were fighting over these 20-30 stocks - not a good scenario.

So, I took some precautions before I went to the 2-day class - transferring most of the funds from my debit card account (the number I gave them) into a savings account. I purposely got it way down below the $1495 figure, and also called my bank, so that if they tried something, it would be rejected. I have the ability to transfer funds over the phone and figured if it was legit, I would call, transfer some money into the account, and let them swipe the transaction for $1495 at the end of the first day.

I arrived at the seminar right at the start, and was told by the nametag person that there was something wrong with my account (must have transposed a digit or something) and that I would have to see the guy outside the door and clear that up before I would be allowed in!

After all the guarantees they wouldn't touch the account until the end of the first day, here these guys were trying to run it before I even walked in the door. How shameless can you be?

After the guy told me there was something wrong with my account, I reiterated that it wasn't supposed to be touched until the end of the first day. He had a dead-pan look. I asked if the he cared one way or the other. He still had a dead-pan look, and finally answered "No".

I decided right there to turn in my materials and leave.

Posted By: Steve (24.151.230.×××), on Thursday, May 10, 2007

Investools experience - keep your hands on your money..

I had heard about the Investools package a couple of times in the past, and had attended 2 different sessions of their overview seminar, which I believe was a 2-hour session. I attended one at the Hyatt Regency in Knoxville probably 8-9 years ago, and another in Chattanooga about 4 years ago. It always looked great, but I never had the $5-6K (supposedly 50% off the $10K package) that was offered at the end.

However, I did check it out online somewhat, and found a lot of negative comments, sprinkled with a few positive ones.

Then, a couple of weeks ago I attended a SUCCESS Magazine "Get Motivated" Seminar in Knoxville, TN, where a lot of name-brand folks talked on motivation, success tactics, etc. I had already picked up Phil Town's book "Rule #1 Investing" a couple of months before, and had read it with interest, and was somewhat delightfully surprised that he was on the agenda.

I agree with Phil's investing ideas, but was dismayed to see part of his talk turn into a commercial for the Investools toolbox. Even though I was disappointed, I felt like the name-brand folks on the same stage would not have been associated with Investools if it was a scam. Also, it was being offered for $1495, something I could afford. Made me wonder if there ever was a standard price, or if it was whatever the traffic would bear at the time. So, I signed up for the two-day class to be taught in Knoxville on 5/9-10/2007, knowing that would give me a few days to check it out beforehand. Additionally, they offered a full-access login to the software on a trial basis. So, I could fiddle with the software and have time to research comments before the 2-day session, knowing I had to make a decision before the end of the first day.

They reiterated time and time again, that even though they were requiring a credit card to be on file during the trial, that they wouldn't process the card until the end of the first day, when the decision had to be made.

I did my research online, and found hundreds of negative messages about Investools tactics, bait and switch requiring much more costly training, etc. etc. But I did find a few (very few!) positive comments. And, when looking at timestamps, I discovered a lot of the negatives were in late 2006, early 2007 timeframe. Unfortunately, this signaled that they might still be up to their old tricks.

I also discovered that there have been over 200,000 people take this class and use these tools. My usage during the trial only showed up about 20-30 stocks (out of 14,000 that you can scan) that met the criteria for Rule #1 investing with the parameters they said were "safe". I wondered if all 200,000 people were fighting over these 20-30 stocks - not a good scenario.

So, I took some precautions before I went to the 2-day class - transferring most of the funds from my debit card account (the number I gave them) into a savings account. I purposely got it way down below the $1495 figure, and also called my bank, so that if they tried something, it would be rejected. I have the ability to transfer funds over the phone and figured if it was legit, I would call, transfer some money into the account, and let them swipe the transaction for $1495 at the end of the first day.

I arrived at the seminar right at the start, and was told by the nametag person that there was something wrong with my account (must have transposed a digit or something) and that I would have to see the guy outside the door and clear that up before I would be allowed in!

After all the guarantees they wouldn't touch the account until the end of the first day, here these guys were trying to run it before I even walked in the door. How shameless can you be?

After the guy told me there was something wrong with my account, I reiterated that it wasn't supposed to be touched until the end of the first day. He had a dead-pan look. I asked if the he cared one way or the other. He still had a dead-pan look, and finally answered "No".

I decided right there to turn in my materials and leave.

Posted By: Steve (24.151.230.×××), on Thursday, May 10, 2007

For all you Investools people who lost money

I purchased the tool back in Oct. 2006. Didn't get a chance to use it until Feb. 2007. I didn't go to the 2 day workshop yet. In 2 1/2 months I've made 13% on my money. Before the tool I took many loses year after year.

Posted By: Chris NYC (192.147.57.×××), on Friday, April 20, 2007

nothing in life comes for free

I to attended a free Investools seminar in february 2007. I found the class to be both motivating and professional without the lack of a hard sell. I signed up for there course taught on 3-2 and 3-3 in Pontiac Michigan the course taught me a semi educated mutual fund investor a tremendous amount about the stock market. After the class I studied the material over again and those parts I didn't understand a course councilor was able to explain to me. I followed the program and started to paper on 3-14 with as of 4-17 my account has grown by over 10% and

$ 20,000. For those who said they couldn't make money using this system I feel that there are people who expect money to grow on trees and not be willing to put any time or effort in to secure there own futures. As the commercal says its so easy a caveman can do it' if your looking for a get rich quick scheme then you should move along as the instructor in my class didn't promise you would become rich overnite but with hard work you could achieve your goals and I agree. So to those of you who have found a better program great but I feel the course is a bargain compared to a college education which teaches you how to simply earn a living.

Posted By: Gordie in Michigan (66.188.60.×××), on Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Investools Review

I read this page before going to the workshop this week and had my defenses up. I believe in education but am very averse to high pressure anything, so I went in expecting the worst and prepared to cancel.

All I can say is that either the company has changed dramatically since the time the negative posters had their experiences or those who wrote the negative reviews just are negative in general.

This workshop was professionally done, delivered on what was promised in my initial introductory session, and tastefully promoted the company's continuing education programs. They gave the continuing education material out at the end of Day 1 with instructions to study it that night, discuss with your spouse / significant other, and sleep on it before making the decision.

I watched at the end of Day 1 as those who wished to cancel were allowed to do so without any arm twisting. I watched Day 2 as a student who wanted to do one of the option programs was told he should wait until later. The student had told the salesman he was in credit card debt. The exact quote from the salesman was 'Focus on getting out of debt first. We'll be here ready for you when you are ready for us'

The instructor set guidelines for the suitability of the various continuing education programs (PHD, Masters, Associates). Less than $15,000 of $$ to invest with = stick with stocks or the Associates program. Greater than $75,000 to invest with = PHD. 15k to 75k, Masters or PHD depending on goals and whether you were closer to the 15k or 75k side of the scale.

It is my opinion that anyone who goes to this workshop and feels it is a hard sell, is predisposed to being negative on anything that has to do with sales. I was very impressed and look forward to progressing through this education.

Posted By: David Jones (68.189.240.×××), on Sunday, April 15, 2007

Very Interesting.

I find it very interesting that the majority of the negative posts are from negative people who did not even give the program a fair shot. Education and software cost money folks. If you'd quit whining, shut up, and listen, perhaps you would’ve learned something in the seminar. I learned so much about options that I'm up over 125% for the year. Half the time I’m buying puts and shorting stocks while everyone else is complaining about how bad things are. I have more than doubled my money the last 2 years in a row and I quit my job on Dec 31st 2006.

I trade full time now, in my pajamas, with bills paid and not a worry in the world. I've read just about every book out there on options trading and I never felt the need to go past the $2000 Investools basic level. They gave me a foundation and software that reduced my DD time for a stock from days down to minutes.

I knew they were trying to sell me on the Masters and PHD stuff but who cares - they are in business to make money. You can’t fault them for that. You have to see past the sales pitch and find the value before you spout off in a whiney frenzy. I have NEVER received any follow up high pressure phone calls. They call to let me know that there is a class coming up in my area and I tell them I'm not interested. They follow up about 6 months later and they take up about a minute of my time.

Where are you guys getting these bad vibes from? You guys should read a book called "The Secret" and turn some of that negative energy around. I feel sorry for you. Well, off to the beach.

Posted By: Scott (208.104.254.×××), on Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Anonymous Posts

I noticed that the majority of the negative posts were posted by anonymous people who, for some reason, don't want to reveal themselves. Perhaps these are the same people who are working for the competition? Hmmm. Yup, it's highly probable. - benzóico.

Anyway, Investools has provide us with enough knowledge to make a fortune in stocks and options in less than two years. In another 6 months, my wife will be resigning from her position as a Sr. International Accounting Director from a fortune 500 firm. If everything continues to go well, I will be saying bye bye to my employer.

It's very entertaining reading the negative posts from Mr. and Mrs. Anonymous. I want to thank all of you for making my day. )

Now how the heck did I land on this website. LOL

Posted By: Another Mr. Anonymous :) (67.99.73.×××), on Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Investools from my point of view

I am a new comer in Stock investing and I took their 1 day wealth seminar and got interested in learning what investools is all about, I went to their 2 day ( $ 2999.00) class and first day was spent on options trading and bragging about the instructors financial status( which I was least interested but some of the people around me were impressed) on 2nd day instructor told everyone about stock trading and by noon he was pretty much done as he started selling their PHD and Masters and all those crappy programs, I have a family member in trading and she told me right away that if they don't tell you about list of things that is required for getting to know the stock market, don't bother investing money in it and thats what I did but there were about 50 people in class and I guess most of them signed up, Though After researching myself I came to know that the education for trading is pretty much free on most of the brokerage firms website and the tools are available as well. There are plenty of good books available for a nominal price to get you started, yes the only point they weren't wrong was " there is money to be made in stock market" but they forgot mentioning the good part that you need to spend lot of time and hardwork to get it, simply by looking at those arrows I bet you can't make money.

Posted By: Mac (64.149.191.×××), on Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New to investools but not to investing

To the last guy that almost lost all of his savings my question is where were your stop losses placed? How much success did you have with paper trading before putting money on the table? How much research did you do on your own? Did you ever get a broker or do a comparative analysis with a mutual fund that you would normally be in? Investools doesnt tell you what to buy but aggregates popular, professional tools and teaches you the rudimentary buy and sell signals..after that its up to you to make yourself a better investor. To anyone looking to take the course be realistic in your expectations. You can probably get the same and better advice on options from a number of books or other sites and Think Or Swim has its own training tools as well which come with your account so my advice is to take the stock course and ease into your knowledge of options with LOTS of paper trading till you get the hang of it. I'm setting a paper trading success ratio of 1:1 before putting any money into this and even then I'll ease into it. My opinion is DONT PUT ANY MONEY UP TILL YOU HAVE A SUCCESSFUL METHODOLOGY IN PAPER TRADING. But of course thats EXACTLY what they say at the course anyway.

On another note Investools is actually quite worth it wheh compared to other education for the same thing. For instance to get licensed as a broker in Canada will cost you 3500 and approximately 9+ mths and THEN you'd need to apply that learning to a mock site such as stockhouse for free or a pay service which may run you 30/mth for a 1st year total of 3800. This is the cost of the initial course which is what I've limited my costs to for at least 6 mths till I learn more.

Having said that if someone plunks down 20K to learn then they should be REALLY cautious assuming they had upwards of 80 or 100K to invest.

Posted By: Anonymous (72.136.163.×××), on Monday, April 09, 2007

what a scam is it true

i went to the trump wealth seminar in uniondale LI. I sat on my ass all day, for nothing! you cant trust any one there all snake oil salesman. shit

Posted By: anonymous (24.47.201.×××), on Saturday, March 31, 2007

training content and my purchase options.

First off, let me set the context

I have some education in financial accounting and understand the very basics of equity markets and option trading. I will be attending one of the 3 hour "sell it to me" sessions in a few days.

I want to go to the sale pitch seminar prepared so I have a few questions that do not seem to be covered in this blog.

1) Purchasing options

If I understand the purchase options correctly I will be given the option to buy just the DVD and manual or to buy 2 days of training in addition to the dvd and manual. There are also additional advanced training and services available. Do I have this correct?

2) Buy the material and teach yourself?

Is the DVD/book "package" just the software and how to use it or is it also a "self-taught" course on trading as well as the software?

3) Take the lessons

This then leads to my third question. What is the expected syllabus for each day of training if I purchase a package? In other words what can I expect to be trainned on at each session if I purchased the classes?

4) Trend analysis vs fundamentals?

Is the Investtools system based on trend analysis or does it also teach techniques based on stock trading fundamentals, ie. financials, p/e, etc.

Thanks to all and Great Blog!

Posted By: ben (74.97.13.×××), on Thursday, March 29, 2007

Investools and Don Trump.

This morning I attended a "wealth" seminar at the Sheraton in Meadowlands, NJ. I received two free tickets to this all day seminar that Donald Trump's organization was running. I orginially wished to attend to learn more about real estate as this was suppose to be the emphasis of the day. The first speaker was a stock investor and he basically spend two hours talking about invest tools which he supposively didn't work for, okay whatever. At the end of the two hours he proceeded to sell the invest tools 2 day seminar at the discounted price of $3,000. I left shortly there after feeling digusted and put upon. It was obviously a scam. Yet, what upset me more was that DONALD TRUMP used his name, his daughter's name, and his sons name to sponor an all day scam event. God only knows what other scams were being pushed there today and how many people lost lots of money they certainly cannot afford to lose. Shame on you Donald and shame on Invest Tools for praying on innocent people.

Posted By: D. in NJ (68.36.185.×××), on Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Investools: Being SMART with your $$$

My CPA wife and I am are INVESTools students. We had been debt free for a while before we started with the Associates program - NOT the more expensive PHD program. We have 8 weeks left and its a totally incredible experience. WE GET IT! And have proven with paper trading that it works. The question is not will we make a net profit, but how much and how soon.

I am sure glad I read these reviews. They will be coming to the Colorado Springs area April 20th. I will be there but I am going to bring up all these points. Thanks everyone for the heads up.

Posted By: Jimmy (75.70.55.×××), on Sunday, March 25, 2007


I could tell from their TV commercial this outfit was nothing but a bunch of scam artists. How do companies get away with such false advertising? Is it the fine print on the bottom of the screen which is so small one is required to use a magnifying glass to read while pausing the commercial with a DVR or other such device?

Posted By: Smarter Than Them (216.150.112.×××), on Monday, March 19, 2007

The lack of conscience and degeneration in the corporate world with comment on Investools

Investools Marketing. Devious marketing tactics, pushing tactics, guilt tactics and other clever game tactics have slowly been allowed to be played upon clients once your in. You must listen very carefully on what they say and how it's said. Keep your money and get educated elsewhere. Once a buyer at the seminar you'll be pushed into their other programs and it is doubtful you'll be able to get your initial monies spent refunded if you so desire. It's a sorry state of business when something can degenerate to such a degree. Some clients might by chance. a very low chance. get connected to a halfway good salesperson or coach but this barrel of marketing apples is slowly rotting from within. It is the same reason other companies or individuals fail themselves and the human race. What is a person called who has greed for more and more money and has been given the OK to use below the belt tactics. in the form of a look the other way OK, a silent nod from low level and medium management and then let loose upon thousands of clients with pocketfuls of money using below these below the belt tactics. For one thing which is quite enough here. the answer is. this is a person without a conscience. Investool's marketing personnel whose job description has a percentage cut provision make the majority of their take home money from commission by selling/steering you into their additional programs. for example options. For those out there who believe paying $2k for the initial product is great save your money for it is used as a come on to get further into your pocket. Unfortunately a large portion of clients cannot resist the tactics being used. A very good salesperson can choose to use either ethical or non-ethical tactics to achieve his/her objective. For you out there who are connected or work for Investools save your comments and don't waste your time and other reader's time commenting. For us out here who KNOW what's going on you would just further embarass yourselves. It's time to get a conscience. Those of you who may get on here and start screeming/complaining/belly aching about this review. it will just been entertaining to read. Unless their upper crust management initiates an order to change the state of affairs. Investools will undoubtedly continue to steer and pull in the monies which looks real good for the company's annual statement. But then. I wouldn't be surprised if upper crust management puts forth such an order in the future. if so and how distant is totally an unknown and pure speculation for someone might get a clue being that there's a lot a chatter on the net exposing Investools marketing tactics. Management acting like yours is the first ever complaint heard in the last thousand years when in reality yours is more like the 53,412th one. I say again. come on. get a conscience.

Posted By: Anonymous (128.241.46.×××), on Sunday, March 18, 2007

Any person posting kind words for this scheme is

probably paid marketing personnel of Invest Tools or Success Magazine. So many unfulfilled commitments for my investment which led to an agreed refund. a refund that is still in progress for the past two years! First, I was assured my Invest Tools Subscription would not start until I activated it. I only learned that it exhausted itself when a sales rep called me to renew it. I had never activated it. I was also to recieve 12 months access. now, it's conveniently only 6 months. Success Magazine did put on a very polished show but they can't put their money where their mouth is.

Remember, people get paid by these companies to combat negative opinions posted on the web so as to cover up the truth behind the experience.

Posted By: Anonymous (207.162.228.×××), on Thursday, March 15, 2007



Posted By: BERNIE FERST - KANSAS CITY, MO. (64.151.38.×××), on Wednesday, March 14, 2007

great beginner course

Investools is a great beginner course their advanced courses are not up to par.

Posted By: Anonymous (64.122.18.×××), on Thursday, March 08, 2007

INVESTOOLS: If it sounds too good to be true.

My business partner and I attended an Investools free seminar this morning at the Marriot Hotel in Oak Brook. The "call and response" dialogue reminded me of the infomercial where you SET IT AND FORGET IT!

The presenter was polished and professional. The support staff curteous and pleasant. The holet coffee was good as well. But as I watched the presentation unfold I kept saying too myself "This sounds too good to be true."

At the risk of sounding snobbish, I feel compelled to comment on my fellow attendees. My partner and I were the only guys in the room who looked like they dressed for a business presentation at a nice hotel. I asked myself what it was about this program that attracted such a crowd.

I have read several of the blogs that say the asking price of $2,000 for the basic stock class is unreasonable. As a believer in lefelong education I do not consider a $2,000 investment in tuition to be unreasonable considering playing the equities markets requires a great deal more risk of capital. If the program works it would be well worth the price. I just keep asking myself, "If it sounds too good to be true is it just that?"

Posted By: Wm. Gutrich, Chicago, IL 2 March 2007 (67.37.182.×××), on Friday, March 02, 2007


I signed up for investools in Atlanta on 2/25/07 at 'Learning Annex'. I thought 'investools' actually had software. I charged $1,999 to my credit card and now supposedly I have to spend 2 days at a workshop in order to get my $1,999 back, per my paperwork. I will if I have to, and than I will go back to my credit card company to be given credit, if this company doesn't give it back to me the next week. I can get lots of education for $2,000. Read a couple of books, and most companies, ETrade for one, has software to use for trading. You need very good software to do this. Word to the wise: I found the Learning Annex to be an excuse for each 'session of experts' to want to charge big dollars, professional at their job of selling, not sure an expert at what they are selling. Its hard to tell!

Posted By: Marie Hyde (69.130.152.×××), on Friday, March 02, 2007

Worth the cost

I've had nothing but good things to say about Investools. Sure it costs money, but I did not experience false promises. I will say there was minimal pressure, but much, much less that what you experience when you buy a car.

The onlince chat was fantastic, the coaching was upbeat, friendly and informative. They seem to be staffed sufficiently with expert staff.

True, much of the info can be found on many websites, but the Market Forecast tool, the Big Chart tool, and the powerful custom searches are valuable resources.

Here's a hint. Michael Drew was my trainer and he does refer to another website he's affiliated with during the Investools training. Incometrader is the website and I've actually found this site to be a fantastic supplement to the Investools program. It does cost money too, but it's worth the cost if you want to boost your knowledge.

I'm sure many feel lured in by this program, but you do really have to ask yourself if you can part with the money BEFORE you commit. Getting rich quick should never, ever be an expectation.

Posted By: Jon C. (146.115.114.×××), on Saturday, February 24, 2007

Maybe you should put forth the effort.

Investools never claims to make you "get rich quick", let alone get rich at all. It is up to the individual using the program to put forth the time, dedication, and effort to make the program work for them. And in doing so, the success will come (cause and effect). Everyone always hears the negative about companies like this, but do you take the time to research the positive? No. Why would you? That would require effort too.

I have spoken with too many students of Investools to actually count, and the majority of them are successful. The only difference between those students and the ones who were not successful is the time and honest effort put into the program.

If you go into anything like this with a mindframe that you can make money fast, or get rich quick. then don't expect anything in return. Nothing worthwhile comes without hard work and dedication.

Posted By: anonymous (70.96.166.×××), on Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Investools is very good

Like many things, you will get out of it what you put into it. It is education. The one thing it has helped me do is simply not loose money. That is worth the cost of the education.

Posted By: Oscar. CA (66.43.87.×××), on Monday, February 05, 2007

Investools sells you knowledge, nothing more.

I am in the investools program and it is a course I have to learn, do homework and take tests. I have access to coaches, live web classes where I can ask questions and have visual teaching on how to utilize the investools toolbox. In the message boards I have seen people post that they have returned to do investools right this time. They had purchased the course and did not commit to the learning at the time. So to see people come back to a "scam" they were already exposed to tells me it must be more than that. The toolbox is a great time saver in tracking stocks, but like anything you need to be trained on how to use it. So far so good, knowledge and education. even lessons learned are not a waste or a scam. It is only a waste if you don't use it to your advantage.

They are a business like anything else, it you are willing to risk thousands in the stock market then waste some thousands getting educated in stocks so you can reduce your risks. I look foward to utilizing the knowledge investools is providing to me.

Posted By: Tina (74.210.9.×××), on Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hype and high pressure

I went the first day just to see if it would be worth the investment. I decided it wouldn't be worth the "discounted" price of almost $2000, and that I could do just as well or even better on my own. A friend decided to attend the second day and sign up for the $2K package. She called me mid-morning on the second day, close to tears. She said that everything they'd shown us on day one would only be available to those who went on to get the master's and PhD level training, to the tune of several thousand dollars. Talk about a bait and switch! I told her to demand they refund her money. I was appalled that something so closely connected to Zig Ziglar is so unconscionable in their tactics. When I went to turn in all my "course materials" so that my credit card was not charged, the woman actually demanded that I return the promotional tote bag I'd gotten at the Ziglar seminar. She said "well, I have to make a note on your receipt, and I can't guarantee you won't be charged for the tote bag, as the agreement is that you return all materials." How is a tote bag "course materials?" The stupid thing probably cost them 50 cents to make, and it's adverstising for them. At the Ziglar seminar, they never mentioned a thing about having to return the tote bag. Don't waste your time or money on this scam!

Posted By: Anna, Tucson, Ariz. (216.183.65.×××), on Monday, January 29, 2007

Invest tools is amazing

I dont know what u guys are talking about. I called, ordered the intoductory program for $2000, and my web page and every thing was set up. the people where ever so friendly and we've even become friends in the buisness world. U WANNA KNOW WHAT U PEOPLE'S PROBLEMS ARE. YOU ALL WANT TO BECOME MILLIONAIRS OVER NIGHT. AND U ALL DONT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. these people are straight forward and honest. there is no way u all would survive in the vicious cycle of the stock market. at least when u call them they dont ask for your credit card straight up like russ delby and john beck. but any ways investools is what i'm using to pay for college. The stock market is a great place to make and loose money! but the people at investools are there to help you make money! if they recommend u do some thing and u do some thing else shouldnt u expext disaster? any ways. I'm happy with investools, i dont know what u people did to fail so misearbly but hey if at first u dont succed. try try again.

Posted By: Markust From Toronto Canada (204.188.166.×××), on Saturday, January 27, 2007

OTA is much better

I went to the Investools seminar too. After them calling me a loser, I decided to never look back and kept walking. Online Trading Academy on the other hand was 180 degrees better! Get a real education at OTA. academia de negociação

They crush the competition with real education.

I took their course and absolutely loved it. Its not cheap, but well worth the money. Better than $20k with nothing to show for it.

OTA was not hyped, they were very friendly, and no hard sell.

They even allow you to retake as many times as you want for life!

They don't sell software, b/c they know that there is no such thing as "the holy grail" of trading. Just hard work and your noodle.

Posted By: S. K. NYC (69.112.166.×××), on Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bigger than Enron

This is the biggest scam for anyone traqding for the first time.

Posted By: Charles Lang (76.83.142.×××), on Sunday, January 21, 2007

Don't go for this kind of high-pressure offer -- for anything!

I've attended and been involved in many of these kinds of high-pressure, very slick and professional presentations with the usual "fantastic discount" offered at the end. With all due respect, I sugggest that the reviewer who said there was "no high-pressure" was inexperienced enough that s/he just didn't recognize it as such. That's the professional part at work. It was done well, and with lots of practice. This one is no different, right up to the "this deal is good ONLY right now, today, and they even planned ahead to have a few less presentation packages than there are people in attendance, just to keep your adrenaline going to get you to sign up quickly, without taking the time to think what's really going on here. No, I didn't buy the program. I recognize the pitch, and quite frankly, it is never necessary to use these kinds of sales tactics on to sell anything of real value.

Posted By: Hiloguy (72.130.252.×××), on Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Don't waste your money

As the post on October 20, 2006 says, the presentation was very professional. It also had very high pressure sales tactics - buy it now, or you lose your opportunity; buy it now, or you're a loser. The fee to get started is NOT reasonable, and you will continue to receive calls to buy more high cost education or attend the yearly conference.

I have paid almost $7,200, and have not received an education that will enable me to buy and sell stocks and make money. At least I never went beyond paper trading, because I only lost money in the paper trading. Their analysis of why I lost money was that I did not see chart patterns that were not part of the package I bought. I'm not sure if this was a subtle method of getting me to upgrade, or if you really do need this information to make money.

However, there are books that cost much less than the so-called education you get from Investools. Look for ones on Chart patterns, Candlesticks, mid-term trading (two weeks to several months), and selecting good stocks. In addition, if you just HAVE to see the Investools material, you can buy it on Ebay for much less – between $175 and $300, depending on the particular auction. You also don’t need their web site – you can find the same red and green arrows on Business Weekly online, which had a business relationship with Investools, so they both have the same charts.

The training material is very basic, but again does not give you sufficient information to trade and make a profit reliably. The manuals are very basic and do not give much advanced information that would help you to pick the correct stocks to make money. They emphasize calling the hotline to get individual help. They say they will communicate by the hotline or e-mail, but the only employees who answered my e-mails were those who were taking my money.

Apparently, they are continually modifying their marketing strategies, because different people will pay different prices. I paid $995 for the basic one-day stock class (through Success Magazine), which was required for access to the web site. The class consisted of about 4 hours of actual training (which was the same as both the book and the DVD's), and another 4 hours of high-pressure sales tactics and signing everybody up.

Based on the Basic Stocks instructor's information that I could pay off the $4,995 Basic Options class with profits within 6 months if I had $5,000 to invest (and it was OK if the cost of the class came from a home equity line of credit), I signed up for the Basic Options class. This "class" included 6 Basic Stocks One-on-One coaching sessions (which turned into 6 months of the "Trading Rooms", for which you MUST have high speed internet), the Basic Options DVD's and manual, Basic Options One-on-One coaching (which also would have turned into the trading rooms), and 6 months "unlimited telephone/e-mail hotline access".

I was led to believe that I could do the necessary studying in 3-5 hours per week. This is totally untrue. Not only must you read the manual and view the DVD’s (and, per the hotline, re-read and re-view them multiple times), you must spend a lot of time watching the market reports, so you can learn how the market works and what is currently going on in the market. In addition, you must spend the time to search for stocks and research the stocks. In all, if I were doing it properly, I think it would have taken me about 4 hours per night every night of the week.

I was sold on going to the live “Basic Options” class for “free” by signing up for another 2 years of the web site, at $1,189. And I got an extra 4 months of the web site, and 1 extra month on the hot line (although I don’t think the extra month on the hot line ever showed up)! At the “Basic Options” class, the instructor kept referring to things we had not learned at the Basic Stocks class, probably because so much time was spent selling us on the other classes.

I do have to say that they have some good material on helping you to reduce your losses (set stop losses so that you don’t lose more than 10% of the trade), but reducing your losses when all you do is lose only lets you keep losing money longer.

If you want to get your money back, you need to call Student Services and request a refund – be brave and ask for it all. You will be told that you will be called in 7 to 10 working days. My experience so far is that I was called in 12 working days (if you don’t count the day I called). I was called at both numbers I gave (work and home), but was not at either number at the time, so had voice mail messages on both numbers. I have called back and left a message four times now, and received one message back, but have not actually talked to the person authorized to give me a refund.

My advice is DON’T fall for the sales pitch. If you want to, sign up for the one-day class with a money-back guarantee, and go to it, BUT EXERCISE THE MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE at the end of the class. Then call your credit card company and ask them to not process anything by Investools or Success, and be sure to give them the amount. My charges read “SUCCESS MAGAZINE INVES 813-8847200 FL” for the original $995, and “ONLINE INVSTR ADVANTAG DRAPER UT” for the Basic Options class cost of $4,995. Then, if you have to have the material, buy it on e-bay. Even if you pay the “Buy it now” price, you’ll save thousands of dollars over the cost of the Investools price. Then use Business Week Online for your analysis (Search for "Business Week Online ProSearch to find the search screen) - or MSN Money, or any of the other free sites. You can also sign up for “paper trading” accounts on many of the online trading sites, to practice your investing skills. If you start to make money consistently in your paper trading, then you might want to sign up for a research service that costs money – but don’t waste your money if you aren’t making money paper trading!

Posted By: Anonymouse (70.135.14.×××), on Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Investools' Presentation

I found the INVESTOOLS presentation to be very professional and without any high pressure tactics. Their approach should work, but it requires traning and application. The fee to get started appears reasonable and they were up-front about the monthly cost of the service.

Posted By: Anonymous (12.24.59.×××), on Friday, October 20, 2006

Investools is not what it's cracked up to be!

If you are thinking of joining INVESTools, do some serious research first. I spent nearly $20,000 and two years of my life studying with them and lost most of my savings, and when I cancelled my website access, they charged my credit card without my consent and refused to refund me. INVESTools cares nothing about their alumni. As soon as you stop paying for their site or upgrading your education, you get booted out the door. I would never recommend INvestools to anyone.

Posted By: Anonymous (71.116.83.×××), on Monday, September 04, 2006

I used Investools ® for about a year. After a year, I found that investing is hard and it is not for everyone. Investools ® made it seem like it is so simple, but its not. Do you think that 3 technical indicators are going to work better than all the professionals' software, who might be averaging a 10-20% annual return if they are good. Do you believed that looking at growing EPS quarterly and other BASIC ratios are enough to declare a stock fundamentally sound. Do you know how to determine if an option is undervalue or overvalue? Because if you can there are plenty of firms that will pay millions of dollars for that information. After this year, I learned that you PAY FOR WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW, don't be fooled by scams that claim "you can double your money in a year" I am not saying that is not possible, but it is not easy. The thing that I did not like about Investools ® is that they did not wanted to give me a refund when I tried to cancel my website subscription. It wasn't until I was rude that they finally gave it back. If you want good education, go to the cboe website and attend their seminars.

I had absolutely no knowledge about stocks or anything, but investools ® has

Displaying 1-10 of 15 Total Reviews

Zacks is one of those websites that has been around forever. For some reason or another, you see their "Zacks Rank" appear on other websites as if there is any sort of validity to it.

I signed up for Zacks Premium and found that there wasn't much difference between the free version of the site, so I canceled. The customer service rep actually hung up on me (intentionally), so I had to call back just to make sure my cancelation request was processed.

The Zacks rank tends to be a LAGGING indicator, which only serves to validate an existing trade. Zacks will upgrade their stocks after they have already broken out; likewise, Zacks downgrades stocks after they have already experienced massive draw downs. As other reviewers have already explained, using the Zacks Rank as a trading signal will result in losses. They advertise that only buying Zacks #1 ranked stocks will result in 30% year-over-year returns, but that is completely false. Don't fall for it.

The free articles themselves are not bad. They are usually short and sweet and full of trade ideas, like "5 Best Stocks To Buy In A Down Market". Obviously do your due diligence. Today they recommended EFOI which is already up 30% in the past week (they kind of missed the boat with that pick).

Alas, I do not check Zacks regularly unless I stumble upon one of their articles on Yahoo Finance. Do not give them your email address!

This review is the subjective opinion of an Investimonials member and not of Investimonials LLC

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